Marketing for a small business is important; marketing effectively for a small business is even more important. The margin for error is small because you really want to make every dollar spent on marketing count!
A big marketing budget can accomplish a lot, but you can do a lot too with a limited marketing budget. Avoiding these 3 mistakes would help you stretch your marketing money and improve returns tremendously! We’ve explained these common mistakes and how to avoid them to improve your marketing success.
If hiring a marketing agency is within your budget – do it, so you’ll really maximise your ROI on your marketing efforts and avoid the stress and anxiety that comes with the territory.

1. Not having a marketing plan

This sounds almost like a no-brainer, but many businesses just jump right into their marketing activities without coming up with a plan beforehand. This could be ultimately counterproductive, as piecemeal marketing efforts may end up in you carrying out marketing activities that don’t complement each other, or worse, activities that contradict each other. ENCE offers our clients a comprehensive, 3, 6 or 12 month marketing plan, and we help our clients strategise their marketing efforts across various channels, for maximum returns on their investment in marketing.

2. Not knowing the competition

Tracking your competition is a great opportunity for you to learn from them as real-life case-studies, to understand what works and what doesn’t. You may think you lack the time to get your own business in order, much less know what your competitors are up to – but being aware of what your competitors are up to is crucial for your own business. Having a good grasp of the competition out there also helps you crystallise your own business’s unique selling point and it strengthens your position to market yourself better. At ENCE, our team does prioritise our time to familiarise ourselves with our client’s competition, so we can advise our clients even better. This helps us be aware of our client’s strong points and we emphasise this in our marketing efforts.

3. Underestimating the importance of a website

The website is an aspect that many businesses neglect, instead believing that their strong social media presence is more than enough to make up for a poorly designed website. This is a mistake we advise our clients to avoid. Social media efforts are important, but they should always direct customers back to the business’s website. And for customers to stay on the website and make a transaction, the website has to be well-designed across platforms – whether it is on a laptop, tablet or mobile phone. The ENCE Group is well-aware of this and we offer website design by a strong team of designers and developers, as part of our complete suite of marketing part of our complete suite of marketing services.

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