Telegram has reached 400 million active users in April 2020 since its launch in 2013. With a buffet of “bots” which allow functions such as group polls, quizzes, and interactive menus to be incorporated in group chats amidst others, Telegram has become a highly popular messaging platform for personal use due to its interactive nature and limitless cloud storage of messages and attachments.
Broadcasting messages on Telegram’s channels function to subscribers is a promising way for marketers to reach a massive amount of users as there is no limit to the number of subscribers a channel can have. Channel owners get to see the number of viewers who have seen their posts, making it easy for marketers to see how many users open their channel over a period of time. Provided they send out interesting and relevant content, marketers can use this absolutely free-to-use platform to reach countless individuals who subscribe to their channels. Posting quality content rather than frequent low-quality content is more advantageous as there is no kills the interest of readers more than frequent, irrelevant content. A single Telegram account can host up to 10 channels so that means 10 different ways to organise your content to different audiences!

Also, channel posts can now be commented on, allowing viewers to ask questions and marketers to answer their queries. Encouraging questions could be an excellent way of engaging with and keeping your audience interested in posts and could help in finding gaps in your advertising via the questions asked. Use these together with polls and quizzes and you’ll have a potent mix of tools by which you can interact with your audience! If you want even more reach, consider paying other channel owners to host your content as well.
Getting people to subscribe to your channel can be aided easily if you are willing to spend money. Partnering with popular food and retail outlets to offer seasonal discounts for subscribers is a sure way to boost public awareness of one’s brand in the short term. However, keeping your audience will depend on the content you continue to put out after that and the kind of audience you want to keep. It would be better to set up multiple channels with different types of content rather than trying to reach many different audience groups with a single channel.
So if you’re thinking of ways to market food deals, clothing discounts and suchlike, Telegram might just be the platform for you to consider. But if you’re thinking of avenues to market big-ticket or long-term items that people would not be seeking constant exposure to like cars, property, and savings and insurance plans, Telegram might not be the most suitable for your purposes. You are probably better off with more traditional forms of advertising like television and internet ads.