Her job is never done. Being a mum is like no other job in the world. It is motivated by pure and unwavering love, thankless yet effortful. We owe them so much, but often, they feel unappreciated or under-appreciated.

Brands can play their part to come up with Mother’s Day ideas that will reward their customers and their Mums. It may be just one day in the entire calendar but your audience will remember the fond memories made and the family time spent. These are immeasurable and are all part of marketing magic for Mother’s Day!

  1. Promos to Reward Mum

Gift a freebie and you can increase customer retention and attract many new shoppers. You do not have to offer anything fancy or exorbitant as a giveaway. A promo code, a discount, free or upgraded shipping are great ideas as exclusive rewards for mothers. One way is to create a coupon exclusively for Mother’s Day. Mothers can enjoy discounts on selected items or storewide discounts using this promotion.

Or offer free gift-wrapping for shoppers during Mother’s Day season to help time-strapped workers who are rushing to get gifts. It is a sweet touch that saves time and earns customers.

2. Gift Guide For All Your Great Products

Here’s a guide for your gift guide:

1. A gift guide should target different mum personas. A yoga lover, home cook, a teacher, a gardener and a CEO are considerably different in terms of personality.

2. Gift guides should come in different forms that are optimised for your channels. Blog posts, infographics or an engaging image… all of them work but make sure that they are well-designed!

3. Write a compelling guide copy that converts. Use sensory words to make the audience see, hear, smell, taste or feel your words for them to get their hands on your products!

4. Include both affordable and luxurious items to appeal to shoppers with a different  budget.

3. Reminders for Mother’s Day

For busy individuals who forget key holidays and dates, give them a nudge closer to the date as a service. Use a popup to remind them of Mother’s Day when they add an item to their cart or leave your store without making a purchase. To create a popup reminder where users will not immediately hit the “Close” button, use a simple design tool that allows you to create engaging and interactive designs such as a spin-to-win game.

4. Share Selfies, Photos and Videos

Social media is for sharing moments. Run a photo contest for Mother’s Day where followers have to share a selfie with their mother or someone who is like a mum to them. You can pick three winners and gift them with products they will enjoy – serums, makeup, a free dinner for two or two-for-one bubble tea deals. For very active followers, ask them to upload a video dedicated to their mums or kids. Remember to create a hashtag to capture these social media moments!

5. What Kind of Mum Are you?

Quizzes are a great way to engage with your audience and get some insight into them at the same time! Get your customers to take part in a “What Kind of Mum” are you quiz online where you can make it a true or false or multiple choice questionnaire. After they submit their answers, they can enter their email to have the answers sent to them – which allows you to build your database at the same time. Score!

6. Conduct a Poll for Mums

Instagram polls are easy to create and can especially target young mums. It is a quick, fun and cost-effective way to drive engagement on your social media page.

7. Collect Messages, Stories and Memories

It is easy to forget the sacrifices our mothers make for us on a daily basis. Whether it’s a small gesture or a big sacrifice, it is always nice for them to feel appreciated. Create a contest for your followers to express their love and appreciation for their mums. Reward participants with a small gift that they can share with their mum for this special occasion.

8. Mum’s Advice is Often the Best Advice

For mums who love beauty products, give them a little pampering this season! Run a campaign where your followers list the best beauty advice that their mum has given them. It will be a collection of invaluable beauty tips from the beautiful women in our lives that can be shared with every women out there. Gift the winners with a set of beauty products that they can share with their mothers.

9. Go Matchy With Mum On Social Media

Engage the help of parenting influencers this Mother’s Day. Pick mummy bloggers, mother influencers and working mothers for this campaign to showcase your product such as matching mother-daughter clothes, beauty products or accessories. Influencer posts will drive engagement and viewership with their aspirational visuals and powerful messages that their thousands of followers keep tabs on – motivating them to do the same and possibly, make your Mother’s Day campaign

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