The plump and prosperous pig symbolises wealth, abundance and good luck. Recall the piggy bank of your childhood – it was literally money! As we celebrate the Year of the Pig this Chinese New Year, we are all wishing for a bountiful year ahead with an abundance of fruitful endeavours. Besides wearing red, filling our stomachs with lucky festive food and splurging on gift giving such as red packets and snack boxes, what is a sure-fire way of having HUAT year ahead?

Marketing Tips for the Year of the Golden Pig

In the ever-evolving field of marketing, what is the best strategy for your business this year? We’ve seen new marketing methods, especially those practised online, replacing traditional ones such on TV, radio or press ads. We know how hard it is to keep up with the best marketing practices from year to year.

Budgeting is Essential

All business activities rely heavily on budgeting. But only the best understand that budgeting is not about saving money – it is allocating resources to the right people and the right approaches.

Do not scrimp on marketing. Marketing grabs your target audience and helps your business grow so make sure that enough budget is allocated to marketing. Note: Budget with care. Always strive to achieve the highest ROI possible for every dollar that you spend.

Laser-focused Content Marketing

Content Marketing generates leads, improves Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) rankings and creates brand awareness. In order for it to be cost-effective, do your homework. And that takes the form of data gathering – painful but productive. Understand which content really appeals to your audience, which channels they use, what devices they are on, how they access sites and the time of day when your audience is most active. The more data you gather, the better you understand your audience. And this is the key to the success and cost-effectiveness of any campaign.

An Integrated Approach

Content Marketing is but one of the many approaches available to you. With public relations, email marketing, social media campaigns (both organic and paid), influencer marketing, SEO, event marketing, and a plethora of other strategies, how do you decide on the best for your business? Here at ENCE Marketing, we believe in an integrated approach with measurable ROI to create the best solutions for our clients. Every solution is unique and every approach is KPI-driven, measurable and keeps your customers coming back for more.

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